Archive for September, 2011


September 13, 2011

Excerpt  This is the first day I’ve been allowed to post an excerpt from my new mystery, so I’d love to have any feedback (if anyone is really out there reading this). You could follow the Random House link to their site, or you could read the same excerpt at my website: I’ll be standing by. Thanks! Dandi

The Secrets of Blogging? Blogger vs. Author?

September 13, 2011

I would gladly take lessons in blogging from anybody who could give me a couple of simple tips. I admit that when I sit here at my “dashboard,” I feel like I’m driving alone and singing along with the radio…but nobody’s listening. I’d love to hear how you regular bloggers do this. Seriously, I can write all day on a book and love every minute. But bloggin?? Do you think it’s because bloggers put themselves out there in a way novelists don’t? When I write fiction, I get to hide behind my characters, or inside of my characters. Here, it’s a different story.

So, help me out, okay? I’m really trying to connect here. Standing by…Dandi

Mystery Blogging

September 2, 2011

I know….  The first mystery I should clear up is: Where have you been, Dandi Daley Mackall? True, I haven’t been blogging here for a while. But I’ve been writing like crazy. Sometimes I think I’m a lousy blogger because I put so many of my thoughts, and so much of me, into the books I write. Then, when I sit down to blog, I don’t know what to say.

Yet here I am, and I’m even excited about blogging because I want to focus on mysteries. I love mysteries. I grew up in a small Missouri town, for which I’m extremely grateful. But our little library operated out of the basement of the bank and stocked very few books. I jumped from fairy tales straight into Agatha Christie mysteries. I’ve been reading mysteries ever since.

And now I have my very own honest-to-goodness murder mystery, complete with a complex whodunit plot, courtroom scenes and witness testimonies, loads of suspense, and more. Knopf/Random House will release the book on October 11. (I thought about holding my breath until then, but I nearly passed out after forty-three seconds.)

What I’d like to do is get a discussion going onreading mysteries and writing mysteries. In future blogs, I plan to talk about the importance of strong characters, character vs. plot in mysteries, the intricacies of point of view, and whatever anyone else might like to talk about. So, any mystery lovers out there? It would be great to hear from you. 


September 2, 2011
A New Mystery!

An unspeakable crime.

A voiceless defendant.
A gripping murder mystery and a dark yet powerfully redemptive story of love, secrets, and silence. –Knopf/Random House